Keep Ya Head Up!

Children all across the world are walking around with their Headz Down, because they do not have access to an education, or they do not have the tools needed to make the best of the education they are receiving. We want to help to change that by assisting in providing the resources, funds, and information needed for every child to excel in their education. 

Many people take their education for granted, but some children desperately seek access to the education we take for granted every day. They long for the opportunity to receive an education, which is often the only path they see out of the circumstances that make it challenging to receive the education they crave. 

We aim to lift the Headz Up of every child who seeks greater access to an education or the tools needed to maximize the education they are receiving. But we don’t stop at children! Young Adults from underrepresented communities are in dire need of funding, access and mentorship. The Headz Up Scholarship and Mentorship programs are designed for children between the ages of 9 and 21, and all Headz Up funds raised go to scholarship and school supplies  for elementary, middle school, high school and college students.